Veterinarians & Other Rescue Groups Helping in Puerto Rico

 24 x 7  Emergency Vet Clinics Puerto Rico – Leave A Message

  1. Aguadilla Ramey Veterinary 787-819-0586 & Emergencies 787-466-9716
  2. Cabo Rojo Animal Medical Hospital 787-538-0008 – Large & Small Animals
  3. Hatillo Hospital Veterinario San Francisco de Asis (787) 879-5251 – Large & Small Animals

Possible Shelters Western PR area is a KILL shelterVilla Michelle,  They do work to adopt animals out but it is a KILL shelter (787) 834-4510.  There is also the Humane Society of PR (787) 720-6038 & the Human Society of Vieques

Horse Equine Vets & People in Puerto Rico / Large Animal Vets

  • Our Recommendation if at all possible TRAILER your horse to Hatillo Hospital Veterinario San Francisco de Asís (787) 879-5251 – This is  Dr. Ramos Clinic and it is fully staffed (people,meds,procedures) and ready to treat horses, including stalls.  Dr Ramos also travels the Island so if not urgent you may be able to schedule a visit to you and your horse.   Dr Ramos is the Vet for all our rescued horses, we highly recommend!!!
  • Aguadilla Traveling Vet Dr. Borges (787) 510-6547
  • Barranquitas/Aibonito Traveling Vet Dr. Torres (787) 436-6987
  • Traveling Equine Professional (not sure of Vet license) Geigel Cruz (939) 332-8924
  • Traveling Equine Professional (not sure of Vet license) Benjamin Rivera 787-629-4969
  • Traveling Equine Professional (not sure of Vet license) Julio 939-332-8924
  • Cabo Rojo Animal Medical Hospital  – trailer in 787-255-3316 after hours 787-538-0008
  • Equine Dentist Luis (787) 597-0727
  • Horse Rescue on Facebook Rescate Rehabilitacion Equinos
  • The Humane Society of Puerto Rico  Guaynabo (787) 720-6038 – help with horses, dogs & cats
  • Joey Garcia
  • SADE Santuario Amigos del Este 787-615-4988 help with horses
  • Police Officer Flores Tiro de Gracia 939-253-4094 Shot of Compassion
  • Police Officer Torro / Tiro de Gracia 787-381-5282 Shot of Compassion
  • Burial Services – Each City on the Island is responsible for burying large animals in their town – Private Diggers in Rincon 787-585-7761 o 787-234-0271 o 787-823-0206 o 787-560-4683 o 787-360-6460 o 787-539-7253
  • Talk to local ‘Agricola’ Stores to find other people and services, many are listed around the Island on Google Maps

Other Resources to Get More Help / Adopt or Lost & Found Help Too

Share your animal with the other Rescue Groups & share on Facebook – There are many many people and groups that want to help – if you have puppies many of these groups fly them to rescued pet stores in the states.  It just takes good photos and a bit of effort – don’t post just once.  Post once a week with a new photo for best results.  Reach out to all these groups & individuals if you need help beyond what we offer

More Vets around the island of Puerto Rico

Surgical Specialty Vets in Puerto Rico

  • Dr. Colon at Coamo Vet for orthopedic surgery Clinica Veterinera Coamo 787-845-4505
  • Dr Echevarria Mayaquez 787-265-2204 Emergencies 787-934-5685
  • Dr. Marilucy Quiñones-787-793-8000; fax :787-793-8100
  • Dr.Carlos Mongil-787-708-4545
  • Opthalmic specialist: Dr.Dineli Bras-787-708-4545 ( same office as Dr.Mongil

Regular Vets & Clinics in Puerto Rico

  • Mayaguez “Miradero” Vet Clinic 787-834-6050 is open every day – call before you go in case holiday or close early  / Facebook Page / On google maps HERE (Directions from Rincon: Take #115 South towards Mayaguez, 115 will dead ends into Hwy #2, Turn right onto Hwy 2 and you can than take either 108 or 3108 to KM2.9 on 108
  • Hatillo 787-879-5251 Emergency 24 x 7 Animal Hospital – Visit them on Facebook Hospital Veterinario San Francisco de Asis 
  • Mayaquez Villa Michelle is a Vet Clinic and a Shelter that will take animals in when you can find no one to foster or adopt. It is not a no-kill facility but it is an option better than leaving a un-cared for animal on the street. CAll and visit 787-834-4510 – Website is  Facebook is Villa Michelle Albergue Animales  – Ask about adoption events and the chances your particular animal has to survive and find a home using their services.   They also offer discounted Vet services.  [addtoany]
  • Low Cost Vaccinations / Vacunacions a Bajo (787) 717-8774 Located in San Juan but offer clinics around the Island at different times
  • Clínica Veterinaria de Salinas (787) 824-8386
  • Veterinario Express East Side of the Island – discounted services
  • You can also reference
  • San Juan area emergency Vet San Franciso de Asis
  • San Juan close to AA Cargo – Airport – 787-728-8610 Clinica Veterinario Villamar
  • Ponce Area Peñuelas Puerto Rico – Sister Shelter to Mohawk Hudson Humane Society – We only have a phone for Peñuelas  location 787-844-8100
  • San Juan metro area 24hr emergency clinic “Animal Emergency Clinic Domenech Ave” 787 765 1120
  • Cabo Rojo Emergency Animal Medical Hospital 787-255-3316 / EMERGENCY: 787-538-0008 (Fully equipped emergency room open 8am-12am weekdays & 8am-10pm weekends) Leave a message they return calls.
  • Aguadilla Veterinary Clinic / Dr. Julio A. Caban / 787-819-4609
  • Mayaguez Dr. Clavel 787-833-5707 offers discounted vaccinations
  • We do NOT recommend CEVET, Centro de Especialistas Veterinarios San Juan