Individual City Equine Rescue & Rehabilitation Community Centers

Defensa is reaching out to the Cities & Police Stations of Puerto Rico to see if we can find any that are willing to participate TOGETHER in this new venture to help more horses around the Island of Puerto Rico. If you are involved with a City Hall or Police Station in Puerto Rico and would like to start discussions via email or phone before a face-to-face meeting please reach us daily at

In highlight the program would work as follows and it would be replicated in as many cities as possible in Puerto Rico

  • The City/Police identifying a piece of land they own and are not using. The land must have a water source (a long hose from a close house works) The land must be appropriate in size {2 or more acres} to home 2 horses from their town. This program could grow in one town to multiple lands or lands holding more horses in one land but to START our experience is 2 horses is the easiest to handle while not making the horses live solo. We do not use or believe in stalls. A horse in a box is inhumane in our opinion.
  • The City/Police identifying persons who will daily volunteer to visit the horses and check they are free of new injuries, clean and fill water as well as give a little horse feed
  • The City/Police will manage the interactions of the Community with the horses
  • The City/Police will maintain the fencing and the land cleaning – if dollars are needed to complete this work Defensa can help with those in the right situation
  • Defensa will handle Professional Services needed by the horses – Including but not limited to Training, Medical & Hoof Care
  • Defensa will offer Community Education Classes if the City/Police desires this

We have been rescuing horses around Puerto Rico since 2011 and we know the problem is too big for one or even 5 organizations. We are hopeful if we can find cities/police willing to work with us and other horse lovers, handlers, owners & rescuers around the Island we can together – city by city – move to help more horses.